Tax Cuts For Wealthy Americans Cost Treasury $11.6 Million Every Hour: Report

Right Whale
201 Fans
14 seconds ago (11:06 AM)
Democrats are desperate. The only function they serve as a party is to confiscate other peoples money and give it to their constituen­ts…if the money stops flowing, so does the democrat party.
So Democrats confiscate money from Republican­s and then give it to Democrats! . . . brilliant.

_ Right Whale
_ sure. as long as republican­s are stupid enough to let them do it..

_ jdal
_ 52 Fans
_ 1 hour ago (11:16 AM)
_ Is it all about “us” and “them” with you ?- how about WE the People?
_ _ We the People are like sheep … the top 2% are not.

More on Bush Tax Cuts
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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