Sarah Palin’s VIP Treatment of history

In 1492, Columbus sailed the blue . . . ocean later to be know as the North Atlantic and discovered the island of Hispaniola on Columbus Day. Touching land, he shouted to everyone, “We claim this land for Spain and the British are coming!”
When a group of Separatist­s and Anglicans, in 1620 . . . arrived at Plymouth Rock that Thanksgivi­n’ Day, they said to everyone, “We are the Pilgrims and the British are coming and the French also!”
During the Seven Years’ War, the French and Indians told each other for almost seven years that the British were coming also.
Yet again in 1776, Paul Revere said to everyone that “The British were near…” except for the British, of course.
In 2011, who will warn the British?

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