Obama Urges Unity On September 11 Anniversary: ‘We Refuse To Live In Fear’

But wait….no mention of the first responders bo? Yes of course, just kick them under the rug.

Yes, of course, I would be so disappoint­ed in the President of the United States if he allowed you to lick his … dog’s house floor.

Oh so…I should just drink his kool aid…the one that makes you think everything he and his pretentiou­s wife does is just perfect in every way?
What’s wrong with expecting the first responders to be recognized­? I guess there isn’t enough votes in it……

Slartibartfast replies to Angrykitteh:
Scum, you work real hard trying to find anything to hate on our president while at the same time you’ll carry water and vote for politician­s that blocked funding for the same first responders you cry crocodile tears for. Hypocrite anti american you are.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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