Herman Cain And Mitt Romney Used Campaign Funds To Enrich Themselves And Their Associates

Happy to be alive. .
279 Fans
24 hours ago (2:38 PM)
Politician­s using their campaign funds to enrich themselves and their acolytes? Truly unbelievab­le.
Some say they all paid for their Iowa corn dogs, except for Cain, of course.

Offending the right people is its own virtue
277 Fans
24 hours ago (2:46 PM)
Its called palinizing
Some call it perrywinkl­eism … also.

It Must Get Better
894 Fans
24 hours ago (3:05 PM)
‘Bu, bu, but….we are the wealthy, we have the RIGHT to do that. ‘
Sigh, the right is so WRONG!

… and I thought we were runnin’ out of rich people!

More on Newt Gingrich
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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